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Theatre of Witness – Finding the Medicine in Stories of Suffering, Transformation and Peace

Teya Sepinuckzena ZumetaTheater of Witness is a form of performance in which the true life stories of people whose voices haven’t been heard in society are performed by the storytellers themselves as a way for audiences to bear witness to significant social issues. The theater productions are scripted from individual and group interviews as well as a variety of creative process techniques and consist of scripted text, music, movement, imagery and film projection. The productions are created with the performers who themselves have directly experienced the issues being explored. Theater of Witness invites audiences to put a face and heart to societal issues of suffering and to celebrate the power of the human spirit to grow and transform. Theater of Witness is a form of peace building and inspiration.


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Conflict Within Church Communities: Applying Biblical Principles


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Anne Fiferzena ZumetaPeople of faith have an extra resource to guide them successfully through conflict, if they choose to take advantage of it. For Christians, applying biblical principles – love, forgiveness, the “Golden Rule” – can turn a frustrating conflict into a satisfying resolution, and can make the difference between an uneasy truce and a reconciled relationship. The speaker, a lawyer-mediator, has been helping Christians resolve disputes outside of court for three decades and will describe how Christian peacemaking really works. Read, Listen, Share »

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The Language of Conflict

Ken ClokeZenaZumeta2-200x300Ken Cloke is renowned for his decades of work, passion and dedication to bring peacemaking tools to wherever he believes he can be of service whether it is in the U.S. or around the world. In this episode, The Language of Conflict, Ken will share his personal journey into conflict resolution and peace-making and what keeps him here is this field. He will also share his philosophy of peace-making and what he believes can bring us closest to peace. His global work, research and teachings lead Ken to write numerous books including his most recent The Dance of Opposites which explores a new vision for conflict resolution and the use of language in conflict. Listeners will get an opportunity to think about how they might change their own language of conflict.


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Working with and Learning from Conflict in Higher Education


Bill Warterszena Zumeta








Bill Warters, an expert on conflict resolution in higher education, will describe the Master of Arts in Dispute Resolution program based in the Department of Communication at Wayne State University in Detroit.  He will review dispute resolution in Higher Education generally and explore some current trends in the field. He will also describe a new community conflict resolution outreach initiative into the East Side of Detroit.  Finally, Bill will introduce listeners to some very useful resources he maintains for educators interested in conflict resolution (see CREducation.org).


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Educating the Community for 5 Years and Counting!


Pattie2a-web(Dec2012)zena ZumetaStephenKotev2

Join Founding Host Pattie Porter and Hosts Zena Zumeta and Stephen Kotev as we celebrate and honor the many guests during our 200th Episode. This is our 5 year anniversary of The Texas Conflict Coach and we invite you to call in, ask questions, give us feedback and share your favorite moment. We will also reflect and highlight key moments during our time together.

Each of us have selected past programs that were particularly meaningful. We encourage you to listen to these.

I Shall Not Hate with Dr. Abuelaish

The Kevin Morrissey Story: When Work Equals Life

The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion


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Conflict’s Powerful Magnets: Identity, Emotions and Power


Trisha_Jones-1[1]zena ZumetaMost of us understand when there is a conflict, but we have not looked at what keeps us locked into the conflict. Those three components are powerful magnets for us. The program today will examine how identity, emotion and power work in conflict, and how understanding each of them can reduce their pull on us and show us paths out of the conflict.

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Medical Errors and Medical Bills: Getting Your Needs Met without Suing

Portrait-Geoff DruckerZenaZumeta2-200x300If you experience medical malpractice, over billing, or denial of an insurance claim, what are your options?  Who can help you, and how can you help yourself?  Learn how to navigate the health care legal landscape.


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NCPC and Cyberbullying Prevention: What’s New and What to Do

McGruff and MichelleHome of McGrZenaZumeta2-200x300uff the Crime Dog®, the National Crime Prevention Council’s mission is to be the nation’s leader in helping people keep themselves, their families, and their communities safe from crime. To achieve this, NCPC produces tools that communities can use to learn crime prevention strategies, engage community members, and coordinate with local agencies. One of NCPC’s primary initiatives centers on preventing cyberbullying – what parents, educators and kids can do to combat the prevalence of bullying online and resolve interpersonal conflicts in a peaceful and respectful manner.  Michelle Boykins from NCPC will speak about cyberbullying as part of the series on youth violence in support of the National Campaign to Prevent Youth Violence.


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Brains on Purpose: Traits and States to Shape Your Conflict Fate

stephanie allenZenaZumeta2-200x300Our brains are changing all the time. We can be in control of those changes or we can have accidental brains, ruled by habit. Stephanie will show you how you can break bad habits, set and reach goals, and maximize your ability to handle conflict through the process of self-directed neuroplasticity. By using some basic techniques, you can take charge of how your brain changes. You can rewire your brain on purpose.


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Surviving Holiday Travel

Ja'Vonne HarleyZenaZumeta2-200x300The holidays are a wonderful time to be with family but the stress of getting there can wreak havoc on an otherwise joyous occasion. Following my mottos of”Know before you go” and “Plan and Prepare” you can start the holidays off on the right path. Ja’Vonne Harley shares her experience on dealing with TSA, managing the family, toting gifts and even how to be a good house guest and host!


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