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SAVE and National Youth Violence Prevention Week


Kit EvansMia BroomsThe National Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) is proud to be a founding partner of the National Youth Violence Prevention Campaign. The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness and to educate students, teachers, school administrators, counselors, school resource officers, school staff, parents, and the public on effective ways to prevent or reduce youth Violence. This week long national education initiative will involve activities that demonstrate the positive role young people can have in making their school and community safer.”   Tune in to hear more about SAVE, Violence Prevention Week, and practical ways listeners can be a part of the violence prevention movement!


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Twenty Twinkling Stars: Celebrating The Lives of Children








How can we use words and voice  as tools for a more peaceful world? Laurie Schloff, communication coach, author of Smart Speaking, a  book called “the best book ever written about speaking” will discuss the top five techniques for communicating in a peaceful, proactive way.  Laurie is the author of Twenty Twinkling Stars, a children’s book which celebrates the passions and interests of the Newtown children we lost on December 14, 2012.  The book, a collaboration with National SAVE, Students Against Violence Everywhere  is scheduled for release in late fall.


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