Posts Tagged ‘Psychotherapist’
Battle For The Truth: Respectfully Managing Alternate Realities in Relationships
The Couples Therapist, Susan Lager and the Texas Conflict Coach®, Pattie Porter, discuss ways they each observe and deal with people who have difficulty managing differences about their respective truths regarding any situation. Because “reality” is so subjective, what happened, what was said, what may have been decided may look very different to each person in a situation, often resulting in an emotional standoff. Tune in to learn about indicators of this problem, and to get some vital tools to move through these separate realities more respectfully in your marriage, at work, with your family or friends.
Refusing to be Enemies: The Zeitouna Story
Zeitouna is Arabic for “olive tree” or “olive”. In the sumer of 2002, a unique sisterhood was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, comprised of six Arab and six Jewish women. Naming themselves Zeitouna, they unknowingly embarked on a life-changing journey, both personal and socio-political. Committing to learn to hear each voice in the group has permanently joined them across the divide of their ancestral communities. Zeitouna’s mission is to embody and promote the peaceful and just coexistence of the Arab and Jewish peoples through connection, trust, empathy, and actions focused on supporting a sustainable future for Palestine and Israel.