Posts Tagged ‘Patricia Porter’
Inaugural Show – My Story & Why I Got Started
Got Conflict? The Texas Conflict Coach®, a division of Conflict Connections, Inc. provides consumer education and tools to build self-awareness, skills, and resources to manage conflict effectively.
In this inaugural show, Pattie Porter connects with the audience by sharing her story of growing up in a high conflict family, and this led eventually to her work as a conflict management expert. Pattie sets the stage for future shows including the idea of giving fieldwork assignments.
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It’s a Celebration: Conflict Resolution Day!
In 2005 the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) established a worldwide initiative- Conflict Resolution Day, which occurs every third Thursday in October. The purpose of this day is for dispute resolution practitioners to celebrate and raise awareness about conflict resolution methods such as mediation, arbitration, conciliation, etc. The logo designed for this event is a tree rooted in the ground with leaves that depict the avenues in which an individual can resolve conflict: mediation, conciliation, facilitation, arbitration, negation. Our logo of the tree was designed as a symbol to celebrate growth in Conflict Resolution. The first year, start small, but just like the tree the seeds you plant one year, will continue to grow and blossom each year ( As an annual occasion, many organizations have established numerous events/programs in honor of Conflict Resolution Day. This year on October 16th the following programs/events are being held (please note this is only a partial list):
- Family Mediation Center –Mini annual conference (October 16)
- Maryland Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO) –9th Annual Conflict Resolution Day Student Art Contest
- American Bar Association (ABA) – ABA Mediation week (October 12-18)
- Good Shepherd Mediation Program – “Shepherds of Peace” honor awarded to several individuals who have been instrumental in encouraging peace and social justice in Philadelphia
Conflict Resolution Day Activity Suggestions:
- Create conflict resolution promotional material and distribute it to the public on Conflict Resolution Day
- Hold a conflict resolution workshop at a local college or university
- Recognize conflict resolution leaders and or volunteers in your community
- Produce t-shirts, mugs or other items supporting conflict resolution
- Propose story ideas to print and broadcast media
What will you do to celebrate Conflict Resolution Day?
To learn more about Conflict Resolution Day visit the click on the home page/education & training/conflict resolution day.
By Yvette Watson Jenkins
Graduate Student, University of Baltimore – Negotiation and Conflict Management Program