Posts Tagged ‘Patricia M. Porter’
Verbal Self-Defense Begins with a Mindset of Compassion and Empathy
In my last blog post, Changing the Way We Handle Verbal Attacks, I shared that I began a journey in learning Verbal Aikido. What does it mean to learn the art of verbal self-defense? First, it means understanding the purpose and establishing a mindset behind this approach.
Morihei Ueshiba (pronounced Mora-hAY-wAY E-shE-ba) the founder and creator of the martial art of Aikido stated: “True victory is victory over self.” Being able to master oneself in how we engage and diffuse a defensive verbal attack without a counterattack that is equally or more destructive than the original attack takes intention and practice.
Aikido’s main principle supports neither combat nor aggression. In fact, Morihei Ueshiba firmly believed that this was the “..way of joining the peoples of the world together in peace.” Practitioners learn how to defend without harm to themselves and the attacker. The Japanese word “Ai” means harmony or balancing whereas “ki” is the energy force and “do” is the path. Ai-ki-do is the ‘path to balancing energy.’ In other words, being able to take the attacker’s negative energy and adeptly using your skills to shift the energy from negative, potentially escalating verbal exchange to a neutral or even positive shift. The shift would end the verbal exchange and potentially shift it to a mutual and constructive conversation.
Luke Archer, the author of Verbal Aikido: The Art of Directing Verbal Attacks to a Balanced Outcome, and my teacher, shares in his book and training that the mindset is key to setting your intention for this type of practice. First, it is establishing a mindset of compassion and empathy for the other person. For most of us, when we are being verbally attacked, we go into automatic pilot which means a lack of empathy from where the other person is coming from and why they are attacking in the first place. I know for myself personally, my mindset goes into gear with irritation and viewing the other person as an annoying problem or even threat. In that moment, I don’t see that person as human who is hurting or in fear. They are protecting some vital part of themselves. Second, it is important to understand we are trying to assist the other person to remain standing if you will, and ‘save face.’ You might be saying to yourself right now, “Are you kidding me? I need to protect myself too.” And yet, here is the problem. By reacting or counter-attacking with criticism, name-calling, blaming, etc., we are contributing to the problem and potentially making it worse. No one walks away feeling good about the encounter. It is not about winning or being right, it is about making a choice, remaining calm, and engaging the other person peacefully. “It is a way to live in harmony with others.”
Watch why I took the Verbal Aikido training with Luke Archer.
Patricia M. Porter, LCSW, ACC
and Founder
Conflict Connections, Inc.
Changing the Way I Handle Verbal Attacks
![Angry man photo by Pixabay](
This is what you hear “You are late again!” or “You keep making mistakes…FIX IT!” or “You never listen to me!” All of these statements are examples of a verbal attack. One of my personal challenges is how to deflect and master my in-the-moment reactions to verbal attacks. I don’t know about you but I can be very sensitive to unexpected and unwelcomed verbal attacks and without pausing or thinking, snap sarcastically and defend myself and sometimes with vigor. Then, I feel ashamed that I reacted so strongly given my professional study and work.
Most of my readers and podcast listeners know me as 25-year conflict management and resolution expert. And yet, I recognize the areas of communication struggle in my personal life. When I am working as a neutral or even teaching, training, facilitating or coaching, I have mastered remaining calm in the face of verbal assaults. It is a natural part of my conflict resolution work for people to displace their anger or frustration about the person or situation, they are in conflict with and yet, I have failed to master this at home with close interpersonal relationships.
I decided last year to purposefully pursue changing this destructive habit in my personal life. How do I catch myself in the moment from being impulsive, saying things that are hurtful or judgmental? How can I prevent a seemingly small incident from erupting into an emotionally-charged argument and see it grow into a conflict?
I went back into my Texas Conflict Coach® podcast library to revisit the work of Luke Archer on Verbal Aikido: Manage Verbal Attacks Peacefully and Effectively. I contacted him in late 2017 to revisit his work and invite him to be a guest expert on the Challenging Workplace Behavior Summit launched in 2018. It would be to my surprise when Luke informed me, he would be in Texas training Verbal Aikido principles and techniques at Sam Houston State University (SMSU) in October 2018 during Conflict Resolution Week. This week sponsored by Gene Roberts, Director of Student Legal and Mediation Services is a colleague. He and I both served back to back as Presidents of the Texas Association for Mediators (TAM). Gene invited me to be the keynote speaker for SHSU during the week and join Luke Archer’s training. It was a serendipitous moment. I felt blessed to be part of this week and meet Luke for the first time.
After the initial 2-day training, it was crystal clear that this would take practice and guidance by an expert. Luke offers a virtual “dojo” or practices mat to verbally spar with partners using the 3-step process we learned in training. We not only learn how to ground our basic foundation but we learn additional strategies to carry out each of the three steps. It is fun meeting people from different countries to practice around real-life examples.
My next few blog posts will focus on my journey, stumbles, strengths and insights into mastering verbal self-defense.
Patricia M. Porter, LCSW, ACC
CEO and Founder
Conflict Connections, Inc.
Free Expert Interviews for the 10 Toughest Behaviors at Work – Challenging Workplace Behavior Summit
Whether it’s gossip, harassment, or time-sucking interruptions we have all encountered challenging behaviors in the workplace. Have you ever wished you knew what to do when they happened?
If you’re like us, the answer is yes. That’s why we spent a year finding ten top global experts to help us understand and manage the ten toughest behaviors at work. Register now for free access to the Challenging Workplace Behavior Summit to watch our interviews. The summit launches on Tuesday, November 13th and it covers:
Workplace Bullying
Gender-Based Violence
Workplace Incivility
Verbal Attacks
Workplace Gossip
Non-Stop Criticism
Time-Sucking Interruptions
Hostile Work Environments
Passive Aggression
Impulsive Reactions
Each day, we’ll share action-oriented expert interviews about these challenging workplace behaviors. Part 1 of every interview focuses on understanding the behavior. Part 2 is all about strategies.
Register for free at – all it takes is your e-mail address and we’ll let you know when the programs go live.
Listening to Your Triggers – How to Suspend Judgment When You Are Angry
- A hot button or trigger word can be words, a tone of voice, or a particular way someone conveys body language that sets you off.
- Everyone has different hot buttons and trigger words that can cause them to become angry.
- When we are feeling triggered we automatically rush to judgment about what the other person is saying or doing.
Key Question: How can you listen past their anger or yours?
Identify your physiological triggers.
It is essential to know when you begin feeling triggered, whether your face gets hot, shoulders tense, or your stomach starts turning, being able to recognize when you are triggered helps you to be more efficient in addressing it.
Take the judgment out of what happened.
When we are in a hot-button moment, we unconsciously jump to judgment. We feel accused, devalued, disrespected, or powerless. We judge what the person said and frame it negatively without considering that what we interpreted may not have been what the person intended.
Breathe to Calm Judgmental Thoughts.
Take deep breaths to calm yourself when you are feeling triggered. By taking deep breaths, you allow oxygen to the brain which can directly impact the adrenaline pumping through your system. By calming yourself down, you allow yourself to hear what the other person is saying without becoming defensive.
Be Curious in Conversation.
Ask the person questions about what they are thinking and feeling, to learn more about what is going on with them. Observe what is going on with the other person so you can begin to understand and question the situation.
Develop Self- Empathy.
Identify your feeling words to understand and determine what exactly you need at that moment.
Assignment for the week:
In our interview with Susan H. Shearouse on the Texas Conflict Coach® podcast, Susan suggested an assignment to listen to your reactions. Listen for the moments when you are hooked by trigger words and hot buttons, and spend some time identifying your feelings at that moment and what your needs are to address those feelings.
To learn more about this topic, listen to the entire episode entitled, Hot Buttons and Trigger Words: How to Listen Past Your Anger or Theirs.
Abigail R.C. McManus M.S Negotiation and Conflict Management
Guest Blogger
Take Five! – How Adults Can Benefit from a Time Out
A time-out according to Wikipedia, “Is a form of behavioral modification that involves temporarily separating a person from an environment where unacceptable behavior has occurred.” It is a disciplining technique we associate with children. The logic behind the time-out method is that if you remove the child from a fun surrounding when they do something wrong, then it will eliminate that behavior.
Although this is a popular discipline method with children, it is also one that adults can and should use as well. I am not ashamed to admit that my husband Bernard has successfully used this technique on me, whether he is aware of it or not.
Before I explain how he did this, I must first clarify why it was necessary. My preset response when in conflict is to fight. By this I mean, I won’t listen, I get defensive, I make demands, I speak in absolutes, and lastly, the worst, in my opinion, I yell. Many times when my emotions are running high, I don’t even realize my voice has gone up two octaves. Although I have made numerous changes in how I engage in conflict, I feel I will always be a work in progress. It is not simple to make modifications to our behavior without mindfulness, perseverance, and I believe the help of others. Which brings me back to my husband, Bernard and how he assisted in correcting my conflict behavior.
We got into a heated conflict some months back. I was yelling, and Bernard asked me to stop. I responded how I always did when he said this to me, “I am not yelling.” Finally, Bernard had reached his tolerance limit and told me that we were having a verbal time-out for five minutes. I began to protest, but he held up his hand implying he would not be continuing unless I stop speaking for five minutes. So I sat in silence, at first I was annoyed by this pause.
It felt like a break and taking a break from conflict always felt counter-intuitive to me. While I know it can be helpful for you to calm down and be more productive when you come back to it, I still felt like it thwarted the momentum of the discussion. Usually, one person initiates the break, and it is that person who seems to hold power as to when the conversation recommences. Being as I am impatient I never liked conflicts to linger, and I found when breaks were initiated it prolonged a resolution.
As I continued to sit in silence, I noticed that I had calm down. When Bernard spoke after the five minutes, he said, ” Okay, I am willing to listen to you if you speak calmly, if you start yelling I’m initiating another time-out.” I felt irritated that he spoke to me like a kid, but in hindsight, my yelling did mirror a temper-tantrum thrown by a child. Now months later, I can acknowledge that his insistence on a five-minute time-out when I would start yelling (this occurred several more times) is what led to the minimizing of that behavior. I now will catch and correct myself before he even has an opportunity to say something.
If you are like me, you are not a fan of time-outs when in a fight. A break meaning you leave the room or house, go for a drive or a walk, or do something else for a while and then come back to the conversation after some time has passed. Try taking a five-minute time-out instead. It removes the fear that the conflict will go unaddressed or that you won’t revisit it later. While also giving you a moment to calm yourself down.
Just like with children, a time-out can be beneficial for addressing and even eliminating poor behavior and assist you in becoming a better you in conflict.
Abigail R.C. McManus M.S Negotiation and Conflict Management
Guest Blogger
Blaming and Shaming Language – Stop The Shoulding
Quick Tips We can stop “shoulding” on people by:
- Changing our language – use “I” instead of “you” when addressing issues
- Accepting ownership for our own actions
- Turning negative self-talk into positive thoughts about ourselves
Key Question: How do I stop “shoulding” on people?
What is “shoulding?”
“You should have taken out the garbage before you went to work.” “You should have checked the oil before you drove it.” “You should have told her to bug off.” Sound familiar?
Why we “should” on others
Unfulfilled expectations can be disheartening and damaging. When things that we anticipate don’t come true, things come crashing down around us. We have put too much of our success, happiness and needs on the shoulders of others. When we are not happy, we tell ourselves it is their fault. They should do something different.
The effect of “shoulding”
Just hearing the word “should” places people in the position to justify, defend or retaliate. “Shoulding” is blaming language and conveys a tone and attitude of judgment, disappointment or disapproval. This language can initiate or intensify conflict.
Replace “shoulding”
Use language that clearly conveys your needs and feelings in a way that you will be heard. Avoid accusing others. Start sentences with “I” vs. “You.”
Instead of saying, “You should have been straight with us.”
Say, “I am really angry and I need to understand what happened.”
Take responsibility:
Notice what “should” implies. It implies some need that is not being met. Dig deeper and ask what you are really upset about.
Shoulding can be blaming on everyone else rather than accepting responsibility for ourselves. We can always take responsibility for our response.
Be Specific
Be very clear about what concerns you. Avoid using “you,” speak from your own perspective.
Instead of saying: “I felt really frustrated when you….”
Say: “I felt really frustrated when “x” happened and the reason I was frustrated is that it undermined my authority.”
End with a Resolution Request
End with a request prevent conflict in the future.
Say: “How can we handle this differently in the future?
Or: “How can I prevent this in the future?”
Your Assignment
An assignment that can help you avoid “shoulding” on people:
- Count and note the number of “shoulds” you hear this week.
- Make a mental note of how people react if you or someone else “shoulds” on them
To learn more about this topic, listen to the entire podcast, Stop Shoulding on People
Patricia “Pattie” Porter, LCSW, ABW, AAP
The Texas Conflict Coach
Working Towards Forgiveness – A Model to Bring Peace to Your Life
Pertinent Points:
- Forgiveness is a healthy and positive action you take for yourself.
- Forgiveness can happen without reconciliation. However, reconciliation cannot proceed without forgiveness.
- Apologies are never guaranteed. Forgiveness can occur without receiving an apology.
- When you forgive someone, you are NOT condoning what they did or implying that it is okay.
How can the P.E.A.C.E Model assist in forgiveness work?
- Perception and Clarification. Think about clarifying your perceptions of your needs, values, and desires. Dr. LaVena Wilkin says to ask yourself, “How are you benefiting from holding onto the anger? How would you benefit if you released that anger, resentment, and blame?” Be honest with your responses.
- Empathetic Listening. Listen to your heart, and put aside what your ego and pride are telling you. Ignore the voice telling you that if you forgive this person, then you are saying it is okay what they did.
- Appreciating Diversity. Appreciate and acknowledge all the different feelings and emotions that are coming up for you. You are not wrong to feel what you feel.
- Collaborative Problem-Solving. Forgiveness takes work. While collaborating with the person with whom you are angry is ideal, sometimes that person doesn’t believe they did anything wrong and are unwilling to work with you to reconcile. Instead, reach out to your support network and do collaborative problem-solving with them.
- Emotional Intelligence. Be aware of what triggers you and why. Don’t deny your anger, instead acknowledge it. Dr. LaVena Wilkin explains, “When you are aware of your emotions you can discriminate against them and better understand why you do the things you do and why others do the thing they do.”
Your Assignment:
In our interview with Dr. LaVena Wilkin on The Texas Conflict Coach® podcast, Dr. Wilkins’ suggested an assignment that can assist you in forgiving others. This is task is for YOU. Dr. Wilkins’ asks you to “Think about an area in your life that needs forgiveness work. Use the P.E.A.C.E Model to reflect and work through that area.”
To learn more about forgiveness, listen to the entire episode entitled: Forgiveness: The Gift You Give to Yourself
Abigail R.C. McManus, M.S Negotiation and Conflict Management
Guest Blogger
When Change Happens: Maneuvering Through The Unknown
In my last blog post, When Change Happens: Embracing the End First Before Starting Anew, our neighborhood coffee house changed owners. At first, the communication to the regulars who visited the coffee house is that the new owner would open in 4 weeks. I thought to myself that will go by quickly. Since my local grocery store is in the same shopping center, you could drive by often and see the sign on the shop’s door, “Opening First Week of June.” The first week of June came and no opening. The sign continued to read the same.
I shared earlier that the first transition to any change is embracing the end first. Secondly, we enter the unknown period, and with a lack of communication, it often causes confusion. We begin to question the information or lack thereof with “What’s happening?” People make assumptions when information is not communicated such as “There must be something wrong” or “There are delays because of X.”
Think about significant changes in your family life or workplace organization. You might recall the boss saying we are going to move offices by the end of the week. She gives an instruction “Start packing your things.” Two weeks later, your office supplies and files remain packed in boxes in a holding area, and nothing and no one moved. The only response you get “I don’t know when the move will happen. Be patient.” The negative impact when there is a lack of communication during a major change event is numerous. People naturally feel anxious, they chatter with gossip, and before you know it, the lack of solid information leads to chaos and confusion. Keep these transition strategies in mind.
- Communicate clearly and often to diminish misunderstandings
- Acknowledge an individual’s anxiety if they are struggling through the change
- Encourage and reaffirm that you are all in this together
- Discuss unmet needs or concerns due to the change
One day, I saw activity in the new coffee house. I stopped by thinking they may be open after all. The new owner, Corinna, greeted me warmly as I entered the shop. Clearly, they were not open for business. However, she took the time to welcome me and provide information on the delay. She assured another local community member visiting at the same time and me they were very near to opening their doors. Corinna wanted everything to be just right. She let us know the revised name, La Taza Java Coffee House, and it already looked and felt different inside. A new layout and different coffee beans and food product lines to enjoy. Corrina also indicated changes in how things would run from closing hours to holding special events and supporting activities for the local community and non-profit groups.
Wow! I felt relieved and excited for the new owner and the next rendition of our neighborhood coffee house. In the next blog post, I address the third transition, starting fresh and accepting the change.
Patricia M. Porter, LCSW
Conflict Management Expert
Note: La Taza Java Coffee House is now open in the Brookhollow Shopping Center in San Antonio!