Posts Tagged ‘National Crime Prevention Council’
Teen Dating Violence: Recognize the Signs and Start the Conversation
Adolescent dating violence and teen dating abuse are real and deadly. Many parents and their teenage sons and daughters are unfamiliar with the red flags that signal a pattern of dating abuse and violence. In this special one-hour episode, you will learn about the cycle of teen dating abuse, recognize the signals in your teenage daughter or son, and learn what you need to do to start the courageous conversation with your adolescent. Bobbi Sudberry is an expert on teen dating violence as a result of losing her daughter Kaity to such a deadly relationship. She along with Vicki Owen and her daughter, Addison Naugle will share their personal stories of teen dating violence along with strategies to avoid these unhealthy relationships.
NCPC and Cyberbullying Prevention: What’s New and What to Do
Home of McGr
uff the Crime Dog®, the National Crime Prevention Council’s mission is to be the nation’s leader in helping people keep themselves, their families, and their communities safe from crime. To achieve this, NCPC produces tools that communities can use to learn crime prevention strategies, engage community members, and coordinate with local agencies. One of NCPC’s primary initiatives centers on preventing cyberbullying – what parents, educators and kids can do to combat the prevalence of bullying online and resolve interpersonal conflicts in a peaceful and respectful manner. Michelle Boykins from NCPC will speak about cyberbullying as part of the series on youth violence in support of the National Campaign to Prevent Youth Violence.
Helping Children to be Safe — Programs of the National Crime Prevention Council
National Crime Prevention Council has developed several initiatives to educate children and adults to help them be safe from crime. The McGruff Club curriculum for children ages six to ten provides prevention and safety education. When the Going Gets Scruff is a newly developed animated 3-minute DVD for kids ages five to eight to help them handle bullying situations. The Circle of Respect is designed to encourage respect and consideration for others. VOICES, a component of Circle of Respect, is geared to high school youth and is designed to allow teens to express themselves through poetry, rap, song, art – all original works – as it relates to their personal efforts to have a safe and happy lifestyle.