Posts Tagged ‘leaders’
Appreciation In The Workplace
Recognition and Appreciation are skills that leaders use every day, or should. Join Kathy Stark and Scott Russell as they discuss simple and effective ways to engage and recognize your employees and further your business goals in 2017 and beyond.
Change the Interaction, Change the Outcome
Louise and William’s new book, Being Relational, details seven ways of being in relation to others that capture the heart and soul of all that is self-help, grounded in method, and supported by relational conflict theory and brain science findings. The ways of being that promote quality face-to-face dialogue and lasting positive change are rooted in teachings from many sources and are also inspired by the experience of thousands of people for whom the Senfts have mediated, fostering personal strength and connectedness through quality interaction. In this program, Louise and William will share insights into their practical and inspiring approach that the listeners can immediately apply to their stressful interactions as well as, check in on and grow into, as a way of being in relation to others.
The Quest for Conflict Intelligence: How Questions Help Us Find Our Way Through Conflict
Conflict is a dynamic and unfolding process which can be rich with opportunities to explore and understand perspectives. Cinnie Noble, a pioneer of conflict management coaching created the CINERGY™ model in 1999. In her own discovery and journey, she coined the term “conflict intelligence” to mean the competence in our self-awareness, insight into others, and the knowledge and skills to manage interpersonal conflict effectively. In her most recent book, Conflict Mastery: Questions to Guide You, she will discuss how questions and the use of metaphors can be skillfully used to explore how one might think or feel differently about the conflict they are experiencing.
Conflict Avoidant Leaders: Symptoms and Support
What can you do when faced with a conflict avoidant leader? Join us in a fast-paced discovery conversation of the avoidant personality symptoms as we explore how to work with and support them. Walk away with insight and techniques to master this frustrating phenomenon in the workplace AND personal relationships.
1st Workplace Conflict Resolution Summit for Organizations & Leaders
Join us as we talk with Rita Callahan and Nicky Davenport, Summit Organizers to discuss the upcoming FIRST Workplace Conflict Resolution Summit for Organizations and Leaders, Oct 7, Atlanta, GA, with experts and authors in the workplace conflict resolution field.
Learn how organizations improve productivity, morale and the bottom-line by different approaches to organizational conflict competence, using conflict constructively in teams, managing inter-generational conflict, assessing the work climate, dispute resolution systems design, using technology to defuse conflict in meetings, and what leading companies are doing to manage conflict effectively.