Posts Tagged ‘Kathy Stark’
Appreciation In The Workplace
Posted on Feb 23 2017 under Conflict Resolution, Previous Programs | Tags: Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator, Annapolis, Appreciation, Blog Talk Radio, business, Coach-Mentor, Conflict Chat, conflict coach, Conflict Connections, Conflict Management Coaching, conflict resolution, employees, ending destructive conflict, Facilitator, Kathy Stark, leaders, Maryland, Maryland Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO), mediator, Pattie Porter, problem-solving, Recognition, Recognition Professionals, San Antonio, Scott Russell, Stop Avoiding Conflict, Stop the Dreaded Drama, Texas Conflict Coach, Tracy Culbreath King
Recognition and Appreciation are skills that leaders use every day, or should. Join Kathy Stark and Scott Russell as they discuss simple and effective ways to engage and recognize your employees and further your business goals in 2017 and beyond.