Posts Tagged ‘Katherine Crowley’
Conflict Management Tools for Work
Whether it’s a difficult co-worker, a demanding boss or an angry client, you can learn to handle conflict at work effectively by managing your internal reactions first. Kathi Elster and Katherine Crowley show us how to cool down, then find the words to move a potentially hazardous work situation forward in a constructive manner. Join Kathi, Katherine and Pattie Porter for a lively discussion on how to apply proven techniques for successfully navigating your most challenging workplace relationships.
The Many Faces of Bullying
The term bullying is used often, in this show we will talk about the many faces that bullies use, it could be in the form of a alpha male/female, a mean boss or the power hungry bully. We will explain the underneath motivation that causes bullying and how to take care of yourself when you are face to face with this kind of workplace behavior.