Posts Tagged ‘Justice and Human Rights Ministries’
Online Dispute Resolution: The Simple Way To Build Peace In The Digital Era
Posted on Oct 08 2015 under Online Dispute Resolution, Previous Programs | Tags: Advanced Practitioner-Workplace Mediator, Alberto Elisavetsky, Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator, Association for Conflict Resolution, Certified Advanced Conflict Coach and Coach-mentor, communication breakdowns, conflict coach, Conflict Connections Inc, Conflict Management Coaching, conflict resolution, conflict resolution practitioners, consequences of poor communication, continuing education, Cooperative problem-solving, CyberWeek, E-MARC, Interpersonal-Organizational Communication, Justice and Human Rights Ministries, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Maryland Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO), mediator, Negotiation and Conflict Management, Observatory of Conflict, ODR LATINOAMERICA., outreach initiatives, Pattie Porter, professional capacitation, Professional Speaker, Senior Trainer, Simediar, Texas Association of Mediators, Texas Mediator Credentialing Association, The Texas Conflict Coach, Tracy Culbreath, trainings, University of Baltimore, University of Central Florida, Youstice
Our century is permanently presenting paradoxical situations. Thanks to Globalization, the economical vicissitudes of Gambia can produce a decided influence in Bolivia. Even though the growth of the communication media is undeniable, people feel increasingly alone. Internet has burst into our lives to stay.
Alberto Elisavetsky, director of the non-profit social network ODR Latinoamerica, will speak with us about his experiences in the use of new technologies applied to conflict resolution in Hispanic America, and how this modality can provide quick and low-cost resolution to various sorts of conflicts.