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Conflict Chat: Mean Tweets – Implications For Erupting Fights And Strategies To Disengage


Pattie8Stephen - 1Got Conflict? If you have a conflict with someone and are not sure how to handle it, then let us know. Here is your opportunity to ask your question with Conflict Management experts who are mediators, conflict coaches and facilitators on how to think about, analyze or resolve your situation.

Think about it. Are you currently engaged in an active conflict with your co-workers or boss? Ignoring your neighbor because of a conversation you don’t want to have? In a disagreement with your spouse? Or simply afraid to bring up a concern with a friend in fear of stirring up problems.



Discussion Topics:

WATCH: Obama Reads ‘Mean Tweets’ — Including One From Trump

What Is a Troll, and Internet Trolling?


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Resolving Financial Fights in Marriage and Divorce


pam-friedmanzena ZumetaCouples often have differences about finances in their marriages, and those differences become exacerbated in divorce.  In this program, we will look at the issues in divorce financial planning, the emotional components of financial decision-making, and how couples can resolve financial differences in both marriage and divorce.


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