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Working Together and Not Just Side-by-Side: Cultivating Conflict Competence in Healthcare Organizations

Debra GerardiStephenKotev2-small

There has been an increased emphasis on teamwork and collaboration in the delivery of health services over the past decade. Much of this has been due to research that indicates the need for good communication and coordination in order to provide safe and effective care to patients. But for most health professionals, daily conflict can interrupt teamwork and make communication difficult creating risk for patients and diminishing morale for healthcare workers.  In discussing this growing area of conflict resolution, Debra will talk about what conflict looks like in clinical work settings, why conflict is so hard to address among health professionals and what is happening to improve conflict management within healthcare organizations.


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Conflict Talk – A Road Map for How to Get to the Table

Karmit BulmanWhy is there so much unresolved and destructive conflict? Why is it so hard for you to come to the table to talk about the conflict you have with someone? Karmit Bulman, Executive Director, The Conflict Resolution Center in Minnesota and the author of The Conflict Resolution Process: A Consultant’s Handbook will help us understand what happens to us in our brains that builds a barrier to these uncomfortable situations. Through her story-telling, Karmit will share examples and educate you about a method she developed to work one-on-one with individuals. This 3-part road map is also a guide for skill-building and action planning. With this in mind, Karmit will share her top 3 tips to immediately use in dealing with your situation.


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