Posts Tagged ‘elder care’
Mediation, Elder Abuse and Saving the Family: Mediation & Conflict Strategies to Avoid Elder Abuse
As Americans are getting older, more and more issues arise relating to elder abuse in financial and health care settings. Studies show that the majority of abuse occurs within the family. What can be done to resolve these issues? Listen to a respected elder abuse mediator and author, Steve Mehta, and learn how to address these difficult issues.
Who’s in Charge-Managing Difficult Decisions Around A Parent’s Care
When a family member needs help everyone has an idea of what is “best.” Many times, adult children are called upon in a crisis to help their parents make some decisions about their care. The family and the senior have to decide the senior may need. The differing options of care (how much, what type, and how it will be funded) can cause conflict within the family. Geriatric Care Managers are often called upon to help negotiate these very difficult decisions.
Transforming Difficult Decision Making in Elder Care Planning
Families today are assuming responsibility for the informal care of over 75 percent of elderly family members and are often faced with difficult decisions from a bewildering array of choices:? e.g. estate planning, financial issues, and guardianship.? In the best of circumstances, this can be a stressful process and sometimes leads to disagreements, confusion, and conflict at a time when the best intentions of the family are to work together for the needs of a loved and respected aging family member. With the help of a trained professional mediator, family members share information and perspectives, explore and evaluate options, and develop workable solutions through a process that promotes open and positive communication.? The mediator is a neutral, who does not offer advice and believes that each family is unique and knows best what solutions will work for their family as a whole.? For families in conflict or simply wanting help through a transition elder care mediation offers a process which can reduce stress and prevent a crisis.
New Horizon in Family Mediation…Elder Care
Join us for the Special Elder Care Series. In this first episode, we will talk with Barbara Manousso of Manousso Mediation. We will have 4 episodes extending through September with a number of guests talk about elder and adult care conflict between families and the love ones they take care of. Conflict over important decisions about how mom or dad will be cared for abound in many families. Listen as we invite conflict resolution experts in the elder care arena talk about their experiences along with resources, tools and strategies.