Posts Tagged ‘Community Conferencing Center’
How Restorative Justice can Help Stem the School to Prison Pipeline
Posted on Apr 02 2012 under Previous Programs, Restorative Justice | Tags: accountability, Community Conferencing Center, Conflict, Conflict Connections Inc, justice, Lauren Abramson, Pattie Porter, restorative justice, schools
The growing practice of arresting students for disruptive behavior in school has led to the so-called “School to Prison Pipeline.” The larger issue is that our criminal justice system is focused on punishment instead of accountability, and it is biased based on race and income. For 14years the Community Conferencing Center in Baltimore has worked to provide effective Restorative alternatives to school suspension, court, and incarceration–producing 60% lower recidivism at 1/10th the cost. Learn about their work and how you can mobilize this work in your community.