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The UnSlut Project: Stop “Slut” Shaming and Sexual Bullying

Emily-LindinStephenKotev2-smallclark.photo.Have you ever been called a “slut”? If so, how did you feel? Whether you are sexually active or not the term can be hurtful and embarrassing. If you’re a parent of a teen, have you heard about “slut” shaming and the dire effects it can have on your impressionable teenager?

“Slut” shaming and sexual bullying is occurring every day in America. Many teens are experiencing these issues and feel uncomfortable reporting it to their parents or other adults. Emily Lindin, who founded of The UnSlut Project in April 2013, found herself in this exact situation when she was eleven. She began journaling about these incidents of “slut” shaming and sexual bullying she faced in school.

As Emily published her journal entries, she hoped that her words would reach teens experiencing the same thing bringing awareness about this prevalent issue. The UnSlut Project started as a small online personal submission and has now grown to incorporate the stories of girls, women, and men of many ages, backgrounds, and nationalities. Emily will be discussing the UnSlut Project and her upcoming video project “Slut: A Documentary Film” and her soon to be released book, “UnSlut: A Diary and A Memoir”.



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The Sure Fire Way to Stop Bullying NOW!

anita telleTracy CulbreathFrom top Corporate business woman, to internationally acclaimed author, Anita Telle talks to us about how her child being bullied, changed her and her son’s life as well as the lives of many people from around the world. She has a mission: To teach acceptance and love to children ages 4 – 9 so they will grow up to be amazing, supportive and loving teenagers, immune to peer pressure and bullying. She also has a story to tell. And it’s an important story; one that touches everyone, everywhere, from every culture. But it is especially important for children:
Being different IS normal. We are all different, in different ways.


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“Dis-Abling Bullying: When Children with Special Needs are Bullied & What To Do About It”

Tara Fischer

A child sits alone at the lunch table while peers snicker around him.  Perhaps he understands that he is being excluded and feels sad.  What about the child with a disability who may or may not understand what is happening around him?  Join us to learn how we can “Dis-able Bullying” and protect our vulnerable population of children with special needs.


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