Posts Tagged ‘boss’
Conflict Chat: From Coconut to Closet Fights
Posted on Nov 03 2016 under Conflict Chats, Previous Programs | Tags: #ConflictChat, Abigail Clark McManus, Academy of Family Mediators, active conflict, Advanced Practitioner-Workplace Mediator, analyze, Association for Conflict Resolution, boss, Certified Advanced Conflict Coach and Coach-mentor, Co-Workers, conflict coaches, Conflict Connections Inc, Conflict Management Coaching, Conflict Management experts, Cooperative problem-solving, facilitators, Got Conflict, ignoring neighbors, John Haynes Distinguished Mediator Award, Kumba Award, Lawyer, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Mediation Training & Consultation Institute, mediator, mediators, Michigan Lifetime Achievement in Mediation Award, National Conference on Minorities, National Education Association/Saturn Corporation Award, Pattie Porter, Professional Speaker, resolve, Senior Trainer, Stop the Dreaded Drama: 55 tips Tips for Ending Destructive Conflict, Texas Association of Mediators, Texas Mediator Credentialing Association, The Collaborative Workplace, The Texas Conflict Coach, think about, Trainer of Mediators, Union Management Collaboration, University of Baltimore, Zena Zumeta, Zena Zumeta Mediation Services
Got Conflict? If you have a conflict with someone, and are not sure how to handle it, then let us know. Here is your opportunity to ask your question with Conflict Management experts who are mediators, conflict coaches and facilitators on how to think about, analyze or resolve your situation.
Think about it. Are you currently engaged in an active conflict with your co-workers or boss? Ignoring your neighbor because of a conversation you don’t want to have? In a disagreement with your spouse? Or simply afraid to bring up a concern with a friend in fear of stirring up problems.
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