Archive for the ‘Conflict Resolution’ Category:
Conflict Management Tools for Work
Whether it’s a difficult co-worker, a demanding boss or an angry client, you can learn to handle conflict at work effectively by managing your internal reactions first. Kathi Elster and Katherine Crowley show us how to cool down, then find the words to move a potentially hazardous work situation forward in a constructive manner. Join Kathi, Katherine and Pattie Porter for a lively discussion on how to apply proven techniques for successfully navigating your most challenging workplace relationships.
Appreciation In The Workplace
Recognition and Appreciation are skills that leaders use every day, or should. Join Kathy Stark and Scott Russell as they discuss simple and effective ways to engage and recognize your employees and further your business goals in 2017 and beyond.
How and Why to Avoid Political Talk at Work
Are you sick of people discussing politics at work? Or are you one of those folks who can’t seem to stop talking about the candidates?
Political topics can be explosive, and it is difficult to predict which issues your colleagues may find to be truly upsetting. What starts as casual chat could spiral into an emotional brawl, upsetting people and disrupting working relationships. And even brief comments could offend some coworkers, harming your rep or setting you up for retribution down the road.
Understanding how to manage workplace communications is key to building a resilient career. Often the best strategy is “communicate, communicate, communicate.” But when the office conversation is about politics, the smart choice is usually to stop talking.
But sometimes it is not easy to deal with people who want to impose their views or tease you into reacting. In today’s program, Beverly Jones and Tracy Culbreath King will offer tips about how you can avoid becoming bogged down in political chatter at work.
Workplace Systemic Issues: Do Your Leaders Really Want to Know?
Like many conflict resolution or ADR professionals who start as a mediator, it doesn’t take long before a mediator doing workplace cases in one organization begins to wonder about the organization’s culture, communication, or leadership skills. “If only the organization had better practices, the mediation (or coaching or training or group facilitation) wouldn’t be needed”, many have thought. When working within an organization, the conflict resolution professional may begin to see issues or trends across departments that may suggest systemic issues. Now what? Explore the opportunities and challenges to communicate organizational issues to senior leadership by considering: When is an issue systemic? How is it assessed? How is it communicated? What next? Who is responsible? Consider these issues from the perspectives of an internal conflict resolution consultant at a company and an organizational ombuds at an educational institution and academic medical center.
Taking the War Out of Our Words: Turning Conflict into Conversation in the Workplace
How long does it take to get defensive? What kind of impact does it have? Sharon Ellison will demonstrate how to defuse defensiveness, often instantly, whether you are talking to a co-worker or are a manager needing to give feedback to an employee.
Making Conflict Work – Seven strategies for leveraging conflict with your supervisors and subordinates
Everyday life is filled with interactions between superiors and subordinates. Whether you are up or down the food chain, you have to work with someone who has either more or less power than you. Join Columbia University Professor Peter Coleman, as we discuss his new book Making Conflict Work to learn what you can do in these difficult situations.
Co-Workers from Hell: Lessons from Conflict Coaching Experts
Whether you are at the water cooler, in the hallway or stuck in a never- ending meeting, we all have to deal with co-workers from hell. Join Pattie Porter and Stephen Kotev to learn lessons from conflict coaching experts on how to respond differently, effectively and constructively to the most challenging of coworkers. We will provide a couple of typical workplace scenarios and play out what typically happens, and then share lessons and strategies for how to do it differently.
Blinder than a Bat – What Organizations and Leaders Need to Do to Remove Their Conflict Blind Spots
As part of our Workplace Conflict series, Lee Jay Berman with the American Institute of Mediation (AIM) will share his experience and expertise as an executive coach working with organizations and senior leadership in managing conflict in a proactive way. Typically, organizations and leaders have blind spots when it comes to understanding, recognizing and managing conflict constructively. It is not uncommon for leaders to be blind to how their behaviors, body language and communication impact staff in negative ways especially when it comes to rising conflict. Organizations have blind spots too when it comes to handling problem leaders. Not recognizing these blind spots perpetuate the situation. Organizations and leaders will learn the key blind spots and how to remove them.
When Business Departments Collide – Tools for Equitable Solutions
In the dynamics of organizations, there are times when divisions or departments or specific people within these divisions/departments appear to have differing agendas:
- Sales leadership implements a CRM system and the sales team views this as an impediment to selling and being in the field
- A company division considered a cost center is competing for resources with a division that is revenue generating
These differing agendas can and most likely will create conflict between the divisions. This conflict can result in loss of productivity, low morale, and loss of key personnel. The other, more production option, is to use specific skills to transform that conflict into positive change. Dawn and Nicole from Conflict Transformation Associates, LLC are here to review and discuss the underlying reasons for conflict and the tools to assist in creating positive and equitable solutions.
Beware of the Grinch – Holiday Considerations for the Global Workplace
Every holiday season, workplaces around the country ponder whether to have their annual Christmas party and whether to decorate with all of the glitter and bows that accompanies the traditional American celebration. Employers’ stress and anxiety rises as they think of the potential conflict lurking around the Christmas tree…the Grinch.
With diversity comes the recognition that there are a number of fall and winter holidays that are globally recognized celebrations…Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, and Bohdi Day. In a global workplace, multiple cultures are represented honoring a number of traditions, religious beliefs, and cultural expectations. In preparation of this season, we will discuss a major trap employers find themselves in that can lead to a lawsuit and strategies to put into place at your workplace for a more peaceful season.