Archive for the ‘Multicultural marriage’ Category:
Being Both: Embracing Two Religions In One Interfaith Family
More than a third of all new marriages now occur between people with different religious affiliations, or between religious and non-religious people. Whether the couple is Protestant and Jewish, or Catholic and atheist, or Buddhist and Hindu, they share a certain perspective as interfaith families. So how do interfaith families bridge those religious gaps, find support, and create plans for the religious education of their children? Susan Katz Miller is here with us today to describe a number of pathways that interfaith families can take. She also encourages interfaith families to see their relationships as a source of inspiration, creative energy, and peacemaking in the world, rather than simply as a problem or challenge to be solved.
When Cultural Expectations Collide During the Holidays: Strategies for Multicultural Families

The holidays bring together families with long-held traditions, customs and celebrations. These holiday traditions are founded in our roots…our cultural identity, religious beliefs, and family values. The customs and traditions are sacred. But what happens when two families merge a multi-cultural or interracial marriage? Each family brings with them their own cultural expectations with different values and priorities. The pressures to conform and to honor those traditions of the other family can cause stress and fracture points not only in the marriage but between the in-laws and extended families. Multi-cultural families have a unique need to bend, flex, compromise and accommodate one another’s contrasting ways.
What’s Unique about Gay Male Relationships?

In this show, we’ll be talking with gay couples therapist and author Rik Isensee about the various challenges and opportunities gay men face in their relationships: how to resolve conflicts, and also how to deal with the in-laws who may or may not accept their relationships.