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“Nipped in the Bud–Not in the Butt – How to Use Mediation to Resolve Neighbor Conflicts Over Our Pets”

Debra Atticus Pet Home Alone copy.jpeg-1Tracy-Culbreath





Our pets are family members.  When conflicts arise involving this family companion in divorce, landlord tenant or neighbor issues (to name only a few) emotions are peaked and litigation is often the selected form of resolution.  Yet courts view pets as property.  This choice may prove not to be the best venue in which to discuss a disagreement over an animal. Join Debra Hamilton as she discusses how using mediation to resolve issues involving animals may be a safer, confidential and more user friendly means of reaching an agreement over a pet which helps everyone win.


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Another Arrow in Your Dispute Resolution Quiver: Animal Conflicts and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Debra Hamilton-2013Gary NormanDuring our series, esteemed leaders in law and dispute resolution Ms. Debra Hamilton of New York and Mr. Gary Norman of Maryland will discuss applying traditional as well as virtual Alternative Dispute Resolution tools in resolution of conflicts among people involving their animals. We will focus on every day events that impact pet ownership including divorce, neighbor, kennel, groomer vet or dogwalker/dogpark issues and in particular conflicts involving service or assistive animals. The public as well as practitioners in the legal or Alternative Dispute Resolution fields will learn the importance of having these difficult conversations in divorce, the neighborhood, the tavern, and the workplace involving animal related conflicts. Debra and Gary will explore how alternative dispute resolution methods, mediation or collaborative practice, help progress these difficult conversations towards resolution without litigation. In discussing the kinds of arenas where conflicts about animals may arise, our guests will address various legal issues that might be involved at the mediation of animal conflicts, including a two-part episode looking at issues implicated by the misuse of service animal status by the general public.

In this episode, the co-speakers will introduce listeners to the subfield within Alternative Dispute Resolution of animal related conflicts. Debra Hamilton and Gary Norman will tell you the what, where and how to include animal related conflicts in to your practice and how you can use the full range of tools available to alternative dispute resolution practitioners to assist these parties find their own solution to such conflicts.


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