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Restorative Justice with Doug Noll, Lawyer to Peacemaker
Posted on Feb 28 2012 under Previous Programs, Victim-Offender | Tags: Conflict, Conflict Connections Inc, conflict resolution, criminal justice, Doug Noll, Lawyer, Pattie Porter, Peacemaker, restorative justice, vengeance
Is it possible to turn murderers into peacemakers? Is it possible to find world peace? Is peacemaking just a happy thought or a hard-nosed, pragmatic approach to intractable conflicts?
In our Restorative Justice series, I will be speaking with Doug Noll, internationally renowned mediator, author, and speaker talk about restorative justice and how it is vastly different from the criminal justice system. What is it? How can it help you if you are a victim or a family member of a victim in a crime? We will also talk about Doug’s award-winning work, Prison of Peace.
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