Dealing with the Obnoxious Boss
Many of us constantly deal with work conflict. Whether it’s with a co-worker or other departments within our organization, we have all encountered issues within the workplace that maybe difficult to handle. What happens when that conflict is with your boss? How can one handle issues with a person that holds their job fate in their hands? Having issues at work with your boss can be quite difficult especially when you feel that your immediate boss/supervisor does not quite understand your position at times.
Working in an environment when there is tension among the leadership and their employees can cause physical melt down of the whole organization. When people are at odds and not working together it can clearly show there is dysfunction and chaos not to mention the stress and physical strain it can cause on the person that is the participant involved in the conflict. How can an employee gain their sanity back when they are at odds with their boss? How can one create a mutual understanding between supervisor and employee without causing more issues?
There are ways to deal with a boss you feel is obnoxious and still keep your job. If you would like to know more, listen to The Boss Whisperer with Dr. Laura Crawshaw, author of Taming the Abrasive Manager. In this podcast she will inform you of the different behaviors of abrasive managers, and teach you how to approach the conflict.
Blog Post by Andrea Williams
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